Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tiny photos (and videos) of big bands!

Blind Pilot!

The Head and the Heart! 

The Shins! @ Red Rocks!
They had to start over on their very first song. Have a look:

James Mercer has shuffled the lineup of The Shins over the years, so much so that they look and sound like a different band from the one from the days of "Chutes Too Narrow" and "Oh, Inverted World." That made it more fun to listen to Blind Pilot and The Head and the Heart than The Shins last night. Still, "New Slang" sounded fantastic, with the audience cooing along on the chorus between the monoliths of Red Rocks creating a warm cocoon of sound. They mixed old and new. They played a cover of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon," and former members Neal Langford and Marty Crandall came on stage to play during one encore. It was a beautiful spring night.

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