Remember Say Hi To Your Mom? Now Eric Elbogen's project just goes by Say Hi, and he's playing in Denver at the Hi Dive on March 18 (that's a Tuesday). The new album comes out Feb 5, but til then have a listen to some of its songs:
Listen to Northwestern Girls
Listen to Zero to Love
Aaah, leap year, when we get a whole extra day. How are you spending yours? How about seeing Meese for FREE at Twist and Shout on Colfax, 6 p.m. Leap Day, Feb. 29, is on a Friday.
Counting Crows also has a new album, "Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings." The Saturday half has the raucous, the Sunday side has the calm. It's not out til March, but the songs are getting plenty of play on MySpace, radio, etc
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