Saturday, October 13, 2007


Mobius Band couldn't play in Denver last night because Ben was in the ER in New Mexico. But sounds like he'll be OK.

Great American Beer Fest closes out today. On Friday, a big line was formed at the Dogfish Head Brewery booth, where legendary extreme brewer Sam Calagione was serving his beers himself. The alcohol content in everything Dogfish is offering at the fest is so high that you get a long of bang for the little sipping cup you're given. But you definitely have to sip. Oskar Blues of Lyons has the new Ten Fidy. Check out their lip balm too. Smells terrible but it's kind of funny.

No Broncos tomorrow, so support runners in the Denver Marathon on Sunday.

"Calvin and Hobbes" creator Bill Watterson reviews the new book on the life of Charles Schulz. The review appeared in The Wall Street Journal.

"Wordplay" airs on PBS on Tuesday. Check local listings.

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