Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pete Yorn at the Ogden, Denver

Pete Yorn played a mix of old stuff ("Strange Condition," "Life on a Chain," "Crystal Village") and stuff from the new album "Back and Fourth" that just came out this summer ("Paradise Cove," "Don't Wanna Cry"). Guitarist Jonny Polonsky rocked the red jeans, Scott Siever of Denver was on drums, Joe Kennedy on piano, Mark, sorry missing someone else, but also Max!, the most rock-n-roll tambourine man ever throwing the tambourine in the air, and hitting it like his arm was a windmill.

YouTube hit Zee Avi opened, and Max wasn't available to play tambourine for one of her songs, but a woman in the crowd volunteered. So she got on stage for one song to play, ha. Zee Avi played songs on guitar and ukulele, including one in Malay and English

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Snow white tomato harvest

We've got our first harvest of snow white tomatoes from the Delicatessen balcony garden. Sweet! And a little tangy. We put them with London broil, spinach and white rice. Looks like we'll get a few more handfuls this summer.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

101.5 fm ... is moving ...

We're disappointed that 101.5 FM in Denver has decided to shift genres from "awesome" to "just another radio station." But. Soon you will be able to listen online at