Saturday, September 27, 2008

McCainiacs vs. Bro-bamas

We watched the Obama-McCain debate w/ Drinking Liberally at the Skylark. It was a packed house, standing room only, and the first time I've watched a debate where people were cheering at the TV screen for things like health care and policy in Afghanistan. You can watch future debates at the Skylark if you missed this one. Get there 15-30 minutes ahead if you want a seat. And here, the Debate Watch Drinking Game from last night (DL adapted it from

_ Every time John McCain mentions his POW experience, praise his courage and drink
_ Every time Obama says change drink
_ Every time John McCain tries to associate Barack Obama with an unsavory character, take a sip
_ Every time someone says bailout you have to finish your drink and pour another
_ Every time John McCain says "my friends," spit out your drink and shout "I am not your friend" at the television
_ Every time "eveil," "evil doers" or anything with evil is mentioned, drink a sip of French red wine
_ Every time John McCain threatens Iran, drink a savage car bomb or cherry bomb
_ Everytime Barack Obama ties John McCain to George W. Bush drink a sloe gin fizz and wish for better days
_ Every time John McCain displays how hopelessly out of touch he is drink an old bastard
_ Every time John McCain refers to the USSR or any other nonexistent formerly communist country get ready to ride the red tide
_ When Georgia is mentioned, drink a fuzzy navel
_ Every time John McCain mentions Sarah Palin, drink a white Russian. After all, if Sarah Palin is around there must be a Russian nearby somewhere
_ Every time John McCain smiles creepily drink
_ If anyone mentions a golden parachute, pound some goldschlager
_ Every time John McCain makes an appeal to states' rights, lean back and take a sip of that sweet Southern Comfort
_ When NATO membership is mentioned, clink glasses with everyone around you and attack anyone who refuses to clink
_ If John McCain doesn't show up, lock yourself inside and sip Jack Daniels all night

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